這一篇, 我要好好來紀錄一下第一學期的心路歷程... 可以用可歌可泣來形容嗎?
看到上一篇文章是發表"新生訓練", 之後卻無消無息了3個多月, 就可以猜到學校忙碌的情形
開始回顧之前, 還是再介紹一下我們所好囉~
這一篇, 我要好好來紀錄一下第一學期的心路歷程... 可以用可歌可泣來形容嗎?
看到上一篇文章是發表"新生訓練", 之後卻無消無息了3個多月, 就可以猜到學校忙碌的情形
開始回顧之前, 還是再介紹一下我們所好囉~
聽到長達一週的新生訓練, 會不會覺得太誇張了點?
但是... 真的長達一週Orz...
2008/07/31 辛苦了近2個月的EAPP課程終於到了畢業典禮的時刻!
Transcending Borders
A Symposium on Intercultural Awareness and Cooperation
"Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective.” --Martin Luther King Jr.
Friday, July 25, 2008
5:00-7:00 pm
This symposium is designed to showcase presentations that will inspire and enable individuals to go beyond their own borders of nationality, ethnicity, and culture in order to build relationships that will help bridge some of the current problems facing today’s international community.
To Submit an Abstract:
The EAPP Symposium Board will begin reviewing abstracts as they are received. Prospective presenters must submit abstracts no later than 5:00 pm (PST) on July 14, 2008. Abstracts received after this date will not be eligible for inclusion in this symposium.
Submission Guidelines:
2nd Annual Symposium
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Program
Monterey Institute of International Studies
EAPP Summer Session 2008
Heidi's結束後, 我們就趕緊上路去優勝美地啦~
因為我們的計畫是要從東邊入園西邊出, 所以我們延著太浩湖走50號公路往北走一點去接小路207號, 再接上395號公路往南, 最後會接上120號進入優勝美地國家公園! 所以雖然Yosemte是在加州境內, 但我們卻是先進內華達, 再出加州滴~ 為什麼要特別提這個小細節內? 因為在這個油價高漲的年代, 一分一角都要計較啊!! 加州的油比較貴! 而且貴很多! 在加州, 我們加的油大約是$4.5~$4.15/加侖(Monterey最高有到$4.85/加侖的!), 但在395公路上, 我們看到了$3.85/加侖!!! 人客們! 來到這裡就不要客氣滴把油箱加滿吧!! (會這樣說是因為我們沒把油箱加滿, 懊悔不已啊~~~)
7/4 參加Yuka家Party時, 日本人share了一段超爆笑日本文化介紹的影片, 全場爆笑到不行XD
請Yuka傳來連結, share 給大家看~