Transcending Borders

A Symposium on Intercultural Awareness and Cooperation

"Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective.”  --Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, July 25, 2008

5:00-7:00 pm

This symposium is designed to showcase presentations that will inspire and enable individuals to go beyond their own borders of nationality, ethnicity, and culture in order to build relationships that will help bridge some of the current problems facing today’s international community.

To Submit an Abstract:

The EAPP Symposium Board will begin reviewing abstracts as they are received. Prospective presenters must submit abstracts no later than 5:00 pm (PST) on July 14, 2008. Abstracts received after this date will not be eligible for inclusion in this symposium.

Submission Guidelines:

  • -Presentation topics must fit logically within the framework of the theme for this year, Transcending Borders.

  • -Abstracts must be no more than 200 words (not including name and title)

  • -Abstracts must contain the presenter’s name, title of their presentation, and a brief (yet complete) summary of the topic, main points, and general findings to be presented

  • -Abstracts must be well written and grammatically accurate  

2nd Annual Symposium

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Program

Monterey Institute of International Studies

EAPP Summer Session 2008

以上, 是今夏symposium的主題及活動辦法, 根據主題, 我選了"E-waste: The Problems and the Solutions"作為我的報告題目!

不知道大家還有沒有印像, 七月底前的那兩星期我簡直是忙瘋了, 那時主要在忙的就是這個報告, 和一篇同樣主題卻長達11頁的research paper! 雖然已經過快一個月了, 還是在此作一下紀錄~

這是我們Academic Discussion and Presentation的老師-Nicole! 他是今年5月畢業的TESOL學姐! 他在向所有的來賓介紹研討會規則! 一共分三個會議室同時進行, 一共十個演講者/十個主題!

這場研討會是開放式的, 任何人都可以來參加, 沒想到來的人真是不少!


我們這間的主題除了我的e-waste以外, 還有小哈的醫療資訊系統, 和Eisuke的聯合國統一防禦系統

我覺得這個研討會最難的部份是最後的Q&A, 很難預期聽眾聽完後會有什麼問題, 小哈遇到一個非洲來的聽眾, 問: 這醫療資訊系統要如何應用/幫助第三世界國家? 小哈臨場反應很棒, 回答得超完美!!

日本人Ryo不知道算幸還不幸, 他的演講因為是落單最後一場, 所以有最多的觀眾 (主題: 水資源的重要)

痛苦的研討會結束後有茶會... 是很美式的那種: 起士+餅乾, 沙拉, 水果, 汽水...

小合照, 天氣很冷!





呼~ 很密集的兩個月研究所準備課程終於結束, 可以大玩一場啦!!

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