目前分類:School life in MIIS (12)

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  • Apr 24 Sat 2010 13:30
  • 離別

這兩天都沒心情打網誌, 因為我的室友 (已經不是N久前那篇網誌裡的日本老男人室友了, 這是一個日本女孩子室友, 是我同系的學姐, 教英文的。我們已經住在一起一年了, 這一年以來我們互相扶持, 而且她幫了我很多, 幫我修改文章, 和我討論想法等等... 而且這一年來剛好我們都是老師, 所以常常討論上課的計畫, 學生的問題... 等等, 我壓力太大的時候, 她還陪我玩撲克牌, 感情非常地深厚) 得到上海交通大學的聘書, 準備飛往上海...

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不是台灣, 是我的OKfun布落格!!!!

幾乎快要一年沒動沒靜了@@ 真是對不起大家!


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這一篇, 我要好好來紀錄一下第一學期的心路歷程... 可以用可歌可泣來形容嗎?

看到上一篇文章是發表"新生訓練", 之後卻無消無息了3個多月, 就可以猜到學校忙碌的情形
開始回顧之前, 還是再介紹一下我們所好囉~

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聽到長達一週的新生訓練, 會不會覺得太誇張了點?
但是... 真的長達一週Orz...

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時序到了7/31, 整整在EAPP上課的2個月期間, 這已經是我們參加的第5個趴T了~

整場的狀況大家都早已駕輕就熟, 想吃東西的吃東西, 喝酒的喝酒, 聊天的聊天...

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2008/07/31 辛苦了近2個月的EAPP課程終於到了畢業典禮的時刻!

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 Transcending Borders

A Symposium on Intercultural Awareness and Cooperation

"Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective.”  --Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, July 25, 2008

5:00-7:00 pm

This symposium is designed to showcase presentations that will inspire and enable individuals to go beyond their own borders of nationality, ethnicity, and culture in order to build relationships that will help bridge some of the current problems facing today’s international community.

To Submit an Abstract:

The EAPP Symposium Board will begin reviewing abstracts as they are received. Prospective presenters must submit abstracts no later than 5:00 pm (PST) on July 14, 2008. Abstracts received after this date will not be eligible for inclusion in this symposium.

Submission Guidelines:

  • -Presentation topics must fit logically within the framework of the theme for this year, Transcending Borders.

  • -Abstracts must be no more than 200 words (not including name and title)

  • -Abstracts must contain the presenter’s name, title of their presentation, and a brief (yet complete) summary of the topic, main points, and general findings to be presented

  • -Abstracts must be well written and grammatically accurate  

2nd Annual Symposium

English for Academic and Professional Purposes Program

Monterey Institute of International Studies

EAPP Summer Session 2008

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這是我在美國參加的第二個Home pa~ 在一個老師的家裡BBQ! (這裡是餐廳)

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中場休息, 國慶煙火表演! 
煙火在海邊, 但聽說海邊人超多, 而Koji家剛好在半山腰上, 走出門就看得到了, 所以大伙移師小公園

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7/4 國慶日放假一天~ 大家約好了晚上六點到日本賢妻家開Party~
他們很細心, 怕大家找不到, 還貼了告示牌!
圖說: 賢妻出門歡迎大家~

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6/28 下午一點, 大夥人約好了要烤肉, 主辦人是阿拉伯同學Ali (這一天我還不認識哪一個叫Ali)
一行人步行到海邊 (離學校很近) 吹海風, 看路人甲不怕冷地去划船or潛水...
冷風一直吹, 一直吹... 吹到了下午2點... 3點...
主辦人和食物都還沒有到!!! (冷死+餓死ing)

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  9:00~11:00 11:00~12:00 13:00~15:00
Monday Academic Discussion & Presentation Bridge Workshop Academic Research & Writing
Tuesday Reading Strategies & Vocabulary    
Wednesday Academic Discussion & Presentation Bridge Workshop Academic Research & Writing
Thursday Reading Strategies & Vocabulary    3~4pm Writing Tutor
Friday Academic Discussion & Presentation   Academic Research & Writing

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