目前分類:出發囉~ 準備工作! (29)

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呼~ 一陣行李上上下下之後, 橘子和哈思奔已經在機場的starbucks等待登機~
今天起, 我們將要展開完完全全屬於兩個人的甜蜜留學生活~
第一站!!  先去流浪一個月~~~~~

Bye~ bye~~~

I'll miss you all

orangekuan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(6) 人氣()

今天對我來說, 是很特別的一天...
沒有值得慶祝的喜事, 只是長頸鹿師資訓練的課程終於結業了,
完成了最後的考試, 表示我已經具有最基本的能力, 可以成為一名英文老師了!!

orangekuan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(10) 人氣()

11/28, 趕在12/1 first run deadline前把所有的申請文件UPS出去~
一級棒的UPS, 今天寄, 明天中午以前學校就收到了~
2007年來所有的努力, 就化成了這兩封信...

orangekuan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(18) 人氣()

布落格停擺了2個多星期, 每天都會來, 每天都想寫一篇來"請個假", 但每天都沒有心情...
我想, 是心太小了吧, 已經放了一堆事了, 即使對於自己最愛的O.K.幫, 也是會有心無力的吧...

orangekuan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(13) 人氣()

"To truly understand your own culture--no matter how you define it--requires the personal knowledge of at least one other culture, one that is distinctly different than your own."

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辛苦抱佛腳的兩個星期, 為的就是這四個小時, 等待被呼叫的時間只能用"坐立難安"來形容XD...
雖然終於熬過來了, 但是我沒有自信可以跟大家說"我上壘了"
事實上, 第一個單元 (共四個單元), 我考得非常差, 唉....~~~~~~

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When considering the question of whether parents should make the final decision about their children’s university major or not, I believe they should not. It may be true that parents have more experiences in some fields; however, I believe parents should let their children make their own decision about some important issues in their lives such as their major in university because children should have the chance to learn to be independent, they are the one who know themselves best, and they are the only person who should be responsible for their own future.

orangekuan 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

When considering the question of whether technology has made the world a better place to live or not, I believe the answer is yes.   Some may argue that technology has made some by-products which are detrimental for our environment; however, I think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages because it diversifies the ways of gaining knowledge, it creates a much easier way for people to meet and to communicate with each other, and it enables us to explore new energy and not to use up natural resources.  

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